Bernie and Sylvia are a beautiful couple who have dedicated their lives to the Kingdom of God. After both serving the Lord in missions in their younger years they set out again in 2010, making many sacrifices on the way. Their hearts and dedication to the great commission and its outworking, has been exemplary. . .
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Account Number: 02-0466-0376018-00
Account Name: Changepoint Trust
Account Name: Changepoint Trust
Bank Name: Kiwibank
Account Number: 38-9011-0714915-00
Account Name: B & SC Kay.
Account Number: 38-9011-0714915-00
Account Name: B & SC Kay.
This devotion to the call of God has come at a cost for them in the long term stability of a home. As a church our support only contributes to their day to day living costs. Here is an opportunity for us all to bless them into their later years. "God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Jonny and Donna Boom
Lead Pastors
Changepoint Church, Tauranga, New Zealand
Click the image below to help them get into a home.