Bernie & Sylvia work with Youth With A Missions (YWAM) University of the Nations Kona, Hawaii campus. They are part of a team that gives leadership to the OBT (Oral Bible Translation) 1000 Strategy that YWAM has developed in conjunction with different translation organizations. They also give leadership to the YWAM partnership with the JESUS Film Project®.
Bernie was with Mercy Ships for 15 years in various capacities from Computers to Advance work. In 1998 he returned to New Zealand.
Sylvia was with YWAM in England, Switzerland and the Netherlands for 12 years. In 1996 she returned to New Zealand.
They met back in New Zealand and were married in 1999. The Lord moved them to Kona in June 2010. Sylvia has a passion for intercession, training, and going to the nations to share the Good News and see God break through into people’s lives. Bernie has a passion for communication, all things technical and seeing God at work in and through people’s lives.
A team from the JESUS Film Project® came to Kona in August 2015 and ran a seminar. In April 2016 the JESUS Film Project® and YWAM entered into a partnership in order to get the film into as many languages as possible. Within a few months the Kay's had led a team of missionary recordists to Papua New Guinea which resulted in eight language groups being able to see the JESUS Film in their mother tongues for the first time in history! This was a huge breakthrough for the Gospel.
Bernie and Sylvia have picked up the leadership of the YWAM side of the partnership with JESUS Film Project®.
Now they find themselves birthing this brand new YWAM ministry called REACH—Bible Media for Missions, focused on Ending Bible Poverty.
PRAY for God’s anointing, wisdom & enabling to do what He has called us to do.
We have committed our time & given up our stable jobs to work as non-paid full time staff because we believe in the vision of YWAM, the OBT 1000 Strategy and the YWAM/JESUS Film partnership.
Bernie and Sylvia also are now involved in helping to establish Oral Bible Translation training in YWAM.